
of colour!    Gesneriads, achimenes, kohleria and sinningia, still going strong in the porch.

After a lazy start I did some work for a friend who has a streamside garden a couple of miles inland.  Some interesting features are being invaded by nature including myriad ash and birch saplings.   A lot of labour needed to bring things under control, it could keep me amused for a long time!

I'd planned an afternoon potting on cyclamen seedlings but when Jamie and Clara realised that Clara's phone had been lost while they were out after lunch, it became an afternoon of exercise as we retraced their route.   Sadly this was to no avail but appeals have been made on local Facebook groups.   If it's been found by a local it should make it's way back to us but there are a lot of visitors who may not realise how these things work here.   We wait.

In the meantime we've resurrected my old handset and installed a PAYG Sim card so Clara can be reconnected to the world.   The youngsters went out again for an eBike ride into the countryside while I put in an extended shift at work.  More visitors = more mess!

Despite the upset, a good day :-)

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