Click Click Redemption

By Seoirseo

And they're not wrong......

Down in the Metro on my way home from a pleasant few hours supping beers and catching up w/my good pal Eric.

I'm always looking for something interesting to snap here, but always mindful of the fact that any member of staff seeing me use the camera will try and stop me.

So on a virtually empty platform I took this. I was a lot closer to the edge of said platform down on my hunkers and as the incoming metro whizzed past I nearly got knocked over by its draft and gave myself quite a fright.

Prior to that as I was saying goodbye to Eric a guy came up to us, hearing us speaking English and started asking us how ex-pats communicate amongst one another. Turns out he is a Canadian putting on a play here and was looking for ways to effectively communicate that fact to the English speaking here in the city. We were quite happy to offer him our tuppence worth on how he might achieve that.

However, any good impression he made on us evaporated instantly, when we asked about the play and he said that it was a "big deal in Canada" and that he wrote it and he was also a "big deal in Canada too"! It was all we could do to not bust our gut laughing at his pompous arrogance. But I couldn't refrain from saying, "that in Ireland I'm a big deal in me mother's eyes".

His name is Daniel McIvor and his play his House. I wonder how many of any of the Canadian blippers share this same opinion of him? Or if when he said Canada, he was really referring to his own emormous expanse of ego.

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