Rowan Bird

I was sitting outside with Jan as the sun left our garden, enjoying the cool of evening after another hot day. Jan went in and I sat there a while longer.  Hearing a strange bird call, almost a shriek, I looked up and there was a grey bird, high in the dead tree (extra). I'm unable to identify it but if any of you have any ideas I'd be happy to learn.
All this is a long-winded way to explain why, when I saw these rowan berries, at the top of their tree, it instantly reminded me of a bird!
Summer is moving along. The rowan berries are ripening, the blueberries are edible even if they'll benefit from the coming rain and a little more time. The rosebay willowherb (fireweed) is everywhere. Some trees are turning very yellow.  All these are signs of late summer, associated with mid-August more than the end of July.  I think this is due to the extreme dryness and warmth of this summer. The yellowing trees are noticeably growing on rocky areas with thin soil. In damper areas the trees are as they should be.
Another sign of late summer is the returning darkness. There is now an hour when it actually gets dark. The last two nights we have been able to see Venus, shining brightly near the moon, and actually needed a light on as we went to bed. Soon other stars will be visible in the midnight sky.
Today we enjoyed visiting Marie and Johan at their summer place (extra). We'd never been there before and they gave us a tour. Two houses and some forest, all sloping down to a large lake. The word "idyllic" came to mind, though the houses were old and only one of them had running water and a toilet. It has all been in the family for generations and there were lots of stories to hear. We ate lunch sitting in the shade because it was so warm in the sun.
This was perhaps the last of the really hot days. Rain is predicted for tonight and it may be very heavy at times. Tomorrow, Friday, is forecast cooler and more rain the evening too. And so the 10 day forecast continues, more rain and temperatures mostly below 20°C. I'm a little sad, but know a lot of people will be very happy, as will all the plants and trees. As many say as these changes arrive - "the garden needs it!"
(Update - it's raining out there, and we have the kitchen light on!)

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