
Elizabeth and I met for some food on the grass of Great St Mary’s Church. We picked up some falafel from the very attractive vendor in the market. Elizabeth is a wonderful sounding board for whatever issue is thrown her way.

My evening was spent eating more cold pizza (a regular theme of late) and trying to get organised ahead of departure to Mozambique in around two weeks. I tried to sort out the NHS app so that my Covid vaccine details will be on hand officially. Satisfying the app’s identity screening steps is tricky because taking a clear photo of a passport without glare is harder than it sounds.

Later in the evening I was drawn to Hannah Gadsby’s show Nanette, which I’ve now watched several times. Her comments on shame always move me, and the wisdom and rage she has acquired through navigating life are very real. She says ‘diversity is a teacher’ and I couldn’t agree more with this statement.

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