New reality day 369

Watermelon flower revisited.

I have 3 about 10cm size watermelons growing and one small one joining in the action. Also lots of flowers still in the vines, but most of the fruit wither naturally. 

It's been showering on and off all day long. We went to get more compost as we run out yesterday and couldn't finish the planting. So this morning we planted the redcurrant bushes.

I have collected some Saskatoon berries for freezer, but it's so boring that I have a hard time doing that even if the birds are trying to eat all the berries before me. I think most of the berries will be left for the birds. 2/3 trees have very dried berries. The third tree is full of moist berries, but I'm lazy. I've collected small amount (0,5 liters) every day and today I did full one liter. But the tree looks like I haven't even touched it.

I got a message from the aunts (both of them) that all the dresses, even for the aunt that wasn't here yesterday, fit well. I'm so glad the dresses will be worn.

I've been eating cake all day long. Well, for every dessert :-) I could be "an adult" and take the rest of the cake to work as lunch for me. There isn't that much left anyway. (But I won't.)

I've only been admiring the fabrics I got yesterday. And also checked my dye situation. One fabric is so fab. It's an old cotton tablecloth. Pretty thick. It has a big stain in the middle, so it can't be used as such anymore. But it would make wonderful full skirt or dress, if I was able to mix it with some other fabric. It's brewing up in my head.

Again I have to many projects on going and as I return back to work I won't have that much time to continue with them. But it will come.

Oh, our godson moved to a new house (with his parents and a brother) so today we sent him and his brother a package to congratulate on that. It's not customary, but I thought it would be nice since we haven't seen them in two years. Last time we saw, it was 2019 September in Spain. Such is the world today.

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