Burst of Sunshine

The dahlia.  The sun itself was a bit more reluctant to shine, although we did have enough for a medium-length stroll mid-afternoon.

The most beautiful story I heard, and watched, today was about the joint gold medals for the High Jump, won by both Qatar and Italy.  They have been good friends for many years, and helped each other in the past with each other's injuries.  They tied with the final jump, and suddenly there were no more jumps, so they agreed to share the gold.  The medal was very important, of course, and both worked very hard to get to where they were, but the friendship weighed just as much, if not more.  I think this gold medal for friendship is the best you can win.

AW cleaned out the freezer, which had 'over-frozen' because the door could not shut well.  That freezer door was installed by an amateur and has never sat right.  So thankful we are getting a brand-new everything in a couple of months.  As for me -- laundry, ironing, vacuuming... but also gaming and reading.  Hope to hit the road tomorrow as good weather has been promised.

Thank you for all the stars for yesterday's shot!  You are all so generous.

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