Platform Windmill, Sint Annaland

THANK YOU for all the stars and hearts for yesterday's dahlia!  You've all been so generous!

There are two windmills in Sint Annaland, and this was not the one I thought of as the main post.  The other one, however, was standing within an enclosure of bushes and hedges, and, blue sky notwithstanding, I simply could not get a decent panoramic shot or even a shot of the complete mill.  There's an extra.  It's called the Vier Winden Molen, or Four Winds Mill, a beautiful name.  Too bad that it isn't possible to make a more photogenic shot of it.  On the website, the bushes and hedges weren't that tall yet (shot was taken 6 years ago) so you can still see the whole structure, which is not the case this time.

The second shot is a close-up of this platform windmill.  It is much smaller.  I would have had them exchange places, had it been possible.  Can you see how much higher the dike is compared to the surrounding residential area?

Left late in the afternoon to make sure of good weather on location, and was not disappointed.  Earlier in the day, to be precise at 02.30 a.m., I was able to watch our dear Sifan Hassan spectacularly qualify for the final of the 1500 race -- she tripped over a fallen competitor about 50 meters from the final, and then got up and sprinted nimbly to finish the heat in first position.  A full nine hours later, she won gold for the 5000 m. distance.  Now THAT is admirable!  She now wants the gold for the 1500 and 10000 meters, too.  We all know she will give it all she has, especially as she has won these distances in past championships.

No Burgundians tonight.  AW had his Monday evening live bridge.  I took a 2-hour nap while he was away, and then returned to do the dishes in the kitchen, which is where I was when he returned.  We recapped the day and then I was upstairs again.  Thinking back a bit... except for some housework and my windmills, and my reading, I'm not really doing much these days, but maybe after so many years of work and overtime, this isn't such a bad thing.  There's an email from the employment agency, but I'll deal with it tomorrow or the day after.

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