Green is the Colour
Definitely NOT Red!
The saga continues, but with a twist.
After last Thursday I decided to sort out the aerators and rearrange the tank furniture. The plecs went berserk. Not like them at all, normally they either take little notice, or just make a nuisance of themselves.
After I had finally got things arranged (as I thought then) I washed up to relax for a bit. It was then I noticed that I was wearing a RED tee-shirt.
I think most of us have ‘known’ that red can incite violent behaviour, and recent reports of postmen being attacked by gulls has brought the subject to the fore again. I had never given it a thought with the fish, but apparently experiments have been done.
I approached the tank again, and again they were agitated, so I changed into a black tee-shirt, and went back and apologised - they settled down after that.
Today I made sure that I was in black tee-shirt, and hey presto, I managed to change about 7 ltrs of water and rearrange the tank again with everyone in a friendly manor. It would have been 10 ltrs but one of the buckets has a leak so we now have a wet boiler (buckets on top to warm up) and damp utility room.
Tec note: - ISO 3200 today. Again the tank lights are at green, and the water is now a lot clearer than the photo but I had just stirred things up a bit moving the furniture.
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