Make Every Day Memorable

By Jorgiesmum

Testing, Testing!

Jorgie went off to work this morning giving me the opportunity to have an extended play with the camera.
I drove to Powderham and walked around the entire perimeter of the park hoping for good views of the fallow deer herd.
It was so much hotter than I expected and the deer, for the most part, were in the distant paddocks keeping cool under the trees.

I wanted to experiment further with the new lens to find out if I could achieve a lovely blurred background while obviously getting the subject pin sharp.
The lens has its limitations, not least a minimum focus distance of 8m and a fixed aperture of f11, but the extra reach will come into its own when I have an otter or suchlike, in my sights.
While this young buck is not looking his best after he has rubbed the velvet off his new antlers, I do love his expression.
I'm also pleasantly surprised to be able to separate him from a reasonable background

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