Getting Aquainted

This morning and tonight I have been personalising our new laptop. I have to keep reminding myself that it's our laptop not mine. After installing all the updates, software and the updating the software.

Now I have used up my internet download allowance. At least I have the mobile broadband to fall back on.

Work was shite today. Big mistake on the press and a lot of finger pointing a lot of which came my way. Thankfully I was able to show that I had followed company precedures to a tee and that the mistake was elswhere. Unfortunately shit sticks and it was only the guilty party failed to cover his tracks that I got out of trouble. I always think that mistakes made at work are best admitted and dealt with honestly. We all make them. No point in trying to blame someone else.

So, as you can see, I didn't have a lot of Blip ideas tonight.

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