
Jassy doesn't fetch practice golf balls.


Still, it isn't the end of the world when it comes to practiing with my driver. These practice balls have the aerodynamics of a 2009 Ferrari F1 car. I can give them a big swing with the driver and the balls don't make it over the fence.

Jassy and I had a big breakthrough today. I took her for a walk to the off leash park we visit every morning except this morning I let her off the lead so she could sniff around. If you had known Jassy 3 months ago then you would know that this was a big step for both of us. She did get anxious on the walk to the park but managed to get over it enough for me to take the big step. That wouldn't have been possible even 2 months ago. So she is making progress and I am very proud of her.

The aim is to try again tomorrow but as with everything Jassy related, I will take it slow, very slow.

To have made so much ground with a four and a half year old dog is a credit to her intelligence.

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