Scoat Tarn in the Morning

I thought yesterday was amazing from start to finish and was extremely happy with that. I knew however that today’s forecast wasn’t as good... so to wake up to blue sky and sunshine again was a big smiling bonus. My main blip is therefore the exact same view as last night.

In no rush to leave such a beautiful spot, we eventually packed up and headed up the slope behind us to Red Pike at 826m and then onwards to Steeple, 819m. The first extra is of me with Steeple behind.

It was then a long extremely hot descent down the ridge and through Ennerdale Forest to the river Liza, from where we intended to climb up the opposite side to the other Red Pike. Too hot for that and flagging with heavy packs we cooled our feet in the river then walked eastwards along it instead, (second extra). It was alive with little fish and we enjoyed seeing dragonflies and peacock butterflies flit around us.

Aiming for Innominate Tarn beyond Haystacks, we took a rising traverse via Scarth Gap and it was still hot as the sun was dropping. As we reached the top however the wind started to pick up, so we were glad to find our own little dip where we set up camp, protected by a rocky outcrop. We even had our own smaller tarn complete with cute little ducklings (third extra).

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