On & Off

The wet stuff has been dropping out of the sky on and off all day.
During an 'Off' period early on I went out and grabbed some drippy shots (they are over here).
The pond is obviously still up to 'overflow' level.

I was slightly disappointed with the closing ceremony at the Olympics. I felt it was geared almost totally to the very young (along with so many of the 'new' 'sports' that have been introduced.

The piece of wood I attacked yesterday was finished and I have started on a new 'concept' piece, but I don't know a) how successful it will be  or b) how I am going to do the lid.

There was a phone call from The Larder today. There has been some technical issue at the cook school so the meals are going to have to be done first thing tomorrow morning so I will not be starting the delivery until after 1pm.

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