Rain and more rain

Managed to avoid the rain on my two dog walks today. Phin has been good and naughty in equal measure today. When he’s asleep he’s good and awake he’s just going for anything and everything, including Mr PHL! Hopefully once he’s signed off by the vet on Wednesday and is allowed to run around again off the lead he will be more physically tired and better behaved!

Quiet day again. Did some research into costs of taking the motor home to Spain in early January so we could celebrate Three Kings with Mr PHL’s brother and his family but it feels a little prohibitive and probably not a sensible plan at the moment so it’s on hold.

Spent 10 minutes being confused by a certain retailers website trying to buy boots that young Mr PHL has requested for his birthday. By the time I finally found my basket I had 4 pairs on order! Got it sorted eventually and I pick up the boots tomorrow from my local store.

Nice sunset after the rain so maybe better weather is on the way?

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