
By Marionb

à la main

Today's blip is another one of my treasures....a queen-size quilt - made for me by my mom - all hand-embroidered and then hand-quilted. The amount of work in that quilt boggles my much so, that I was always afraid to actually put it on the bed, envisioning the damage my cat's claws could do to it...or the coffee I might spill on it. For years it sat on a shelf or hung in a closet, un-used..It still doesn't get out of storage much and despite  my best efforts, it does have a couple of stains on it, but really, does that matter? It was a gift meant to be used and admired...I think mom would have expected that!  

I know how much work and patience it takes to make a quilt like that and I am in awe.. What really amazes me, is that Mom didn't make just one. She made similar ones for the other "girls" in our family... and patchwork ones for the "boys". What really makes them special is that she knew, by giving them to us, that they would be in good hands, appreciated and loved..and that they would be part of our lives long after she was gone. 

I realize that I am on a nostalgia trip these days..and that I need to get out of the house more..But as I prefer AC to heat and humidity, I am staying indoors a lot working on hobbies and as a result, having to find things in my house to blip...nostalgic memorabilia etc...If the weather doesn't change soon, I will run out of those things and will have to resort once again to asking my cat Maggie to provide the subject matter. She will not be happy about that. 

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