
By wiizzz

Schindler's List

We watched Schindler's List for the first 5 periods. It was an extremely sad and well done but extremely long at the same time. The story was sad but I guess that's the way it happened so there's not other way to tell it. The rest of the day was just being tired and cranky and lazy.

Track was a n extremely long workout. It was a 2400, mile, and 800 all at 80% with no times. I think this no time thing helps me because I don't have to psych myself out. I hit the 2400 at 9:36 (my goal was to get under 10), my mile was 5:42 (not exactly a mile but I'm so proud of myself regardless because its the fastest I've ever went for that distance in a workout), and the 800 in 2:43 (Wesley and I went at it).

I didn't have any homework so I just pretended to study and used electronics.

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