The Printed Page

I’m not sure how much of the Edinburgh Fringe is located in different parts of the city, but there is a hefty presence in my neck of the woods.
The whole of the lovely George Square gardens has been given over to the noisy Underbelly encampment which is ring fenced with hoardings and cheap eating shacks.

However, just five minutes away in the other direction is the more cultural Book Festival which has taken over the precincts of the Art College and most of the old Fire Station. I paid a visit to the book shop there on my way to buy oatcakes, as you do, and it was a haven of peace early in the day. There is a giant screen in the square at the back of the Art College showing online talks and interviews with authors.
I was tempted to buy a book or two but remembered I could get the same books at Blackwells at a reduced price with my Edinburgh University Alumni card.

It’s another warm day enabling me to sit and read on the patio while quaffing the remains of that bottle of wine . The long hazy, days of summer are not past just yet.

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