A Day In The Life

By Irish59


I think Blip is magic. Why? Two days ago I mentioned I hadn’t seen any Monarchs, and then yesterday’s blip happened. Was it a coincidence? And in my blip yesterday I mentioned having hope for a Monarch caterpillar sighting. And guess what I saw today? Is it a coincidence? I think not! Blip has magical powers, but I think it depends on what you wish for, like small daily joys over wishing for money or material goods. If only it had magical powers for the big things in life, most notably world peace or eliminating covid-19 and disease. Unfortunately those things are left for humankind to grapple with, there are no easy outs • Today, I’m distracted by the horrific events unfolding in Afghanistan and for so many US children heading back to school without the support and assistance from the adults charged with their care and safety. As it’s been from the start, covid is more a political issue than a healthcare one • Thank goodness for life’s small joys because today I really needed some blip magic.

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