Something wonderful

A short while ago there was a knock on my door, and it was a couple from down the hall offering me a brand new three wheel walker that they didn't need!  I don't know why they had it if they didn't need it, but it was such a wonderfully generous offer to one who was pretty much a stranger to them.  They had seen my sign on the bulletin board and wanted to help.  A great antidote to how I've been feeling about being robbed.  It's a great walker, too - aluminum frame rather than steel, so much lighter than my old one although it seems very stable, and it comes with a detachable basket as well.  I will have to think of a tangible way to show my appreciation of their gift.

So when I go to PT tomorrow, I can take the walker.  And then I can take it with me to do my grocery shopping.  I'm so happy and relieved, and I know you are all pleased to know that there are good people in the world too.

This is the view across the terrace from the Community Room door.  A tenant with a bent toward Eastern religions has made it her own (relatively) private oasis.

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