More Purple

A gift years ago from Sweed, a lot prettier than the hibiscus we left behind when we moved house in 2017.  Shot this in the morning, which was a good decision because it showered intermittently in the afternoon.

Which is not to say that the afternoon was a boring affair, because Son, Rani, Granddaughter and Grandson passed by and stayed a little more than an hour!  It is a treat when they come.  I'll give the little ones some names -- Granddaughter is Nani and Grandson is Flynn.  Easier to type.

Anyway, Nani will turn 9 later this year, but is already starting to have some admirers, boys her age, of course, and she treats them with a fair measure of disdain.  Son was telling us about a funny incident, when a young man rang the bell --
Young man:  Good afternoon, sir.  Your daughter is a kind of girlfriend of mine.  Would it be okay if she came out to play?
Son:  Hm... let me ask her.  Moment, please...
Son to Nani:  There's a young man outside asking if you want to go out and play.
Nani:  Who?  Popeye?  (rolls her eyes) ... Please, dad, all he talks about is having a relationship.  Can you tell him 'No'?
Hahaha!  AW and I had a fit of giggles!

Some gaming, as usual... plus the laundry, some vacuuming, and more clearing and cleaning up in my little room.  A headache that began just before Son & Co. arrived lingered on till the evening, so went to bed earlier than usual... and read more of the Burgundians before I turned out the light.

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