Fuchsia-Coloured Hibiscus

A gift from Sweed years ago, shortly after we moved.  So we have a tropical looking variety from Benna, a purple one from I don't know where, this one from Sweed, and there's another one with a darker shade of red, which we guess will bloom by the weekend.

Mid-afternoon, the call came from Employer R -- I'M IN!!!!
A month ago I was unemployed, and now I have two jobs, both part-time, both with possibilities for the future.  Intensely thankful for many things -- that I stuck to my guts, that I carried myself well these past 2.5 years and managed my time, that I gave myself enough space, that I have the ever patient AW as a partner.  Many more reasons I don't have to put here.

Late in the afternoon, AW drove me to the employment agency so that I could submit some requirements and sign my contract.  The other agency has made do with a virtual contract, and that's fine with me.  So... on Tuesday, 23 Aug, I start with this one, and on Monday, 29 Aug, with the other one.  Remember 'went to work, worked, went back home'?  It will appear here again on a regular basis.

In the evening, AW drove to Sweed's and Benna's for live bridge, moved to tonight because Lavinia can't make it on Friday, and I did kitchen duties, MOOCking, and gaming while he was out.  It actually rained today and that was really good for the garden.  It rained good stuff for me, too.

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