
By Veronica

Bossing the barbecue

S cooking tonight's dinner; highly successful, featuring excellent local sausage and pork kebabs. It's a communal barbecue for the campsite, and a crowd of envious campers gathered around to watch. They were suitably grateful once he took our food off and handed his perfect glowing coals over to the assembled audience for their dinner preparations.

We had decided on an easy walk this morning. Luckily, as what with one thing and another we didn't set off till nearly 10. It was yet another mirador,  this time setting off from the ski resort above Bordes de Graus. 5 km, 170 m climbing, 2 1/4 hours including quite a lot of time spent in conversation with other walkers we met at the mirador. I'd post an extra of the view but I can tell the wifi is not going to cooperate.

A lazy afternoon reading, sleeping, and ambling about the campsite. S and G went out to do some shopping and meet their friend Musta the shepherd. Once they were back, G&Ts all round (yes they bought both the G and the T) and then dinner.

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