My View This Morning

On Monday at The Larder I was more or less instructed to attend a brain storming seminar thing they were holding with the various groups and council departments that they are involved with to get all the meals they supply to the people who require them.
I couldn't really see how, as a volunteer delivery driver, I had anything to add to the mix.

However, I was there - along with 2 of the meal recipients and about 15 of the 'organisers'. 
One of the recipients gave a very emotional explanation of how she ended up in a position of requiring the charity to help out and part of what she said let me see where I could have some input.

The woman facilitating had the most amazing ability to take one word as a trigger and and link various things that had been said (or written on post it notes) within 2 seconds and point out how things, people or groups could co-operate in a way they hadn't been.

It really was an insightful and interesting morning with and I think I was actually able to add to it all in a meaningful way.

The picture is a shot of the glasses on the table.
I was going to use the shot in the extras (which may help to illustrate how things were put together) but it just isn't sharp.

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