From The Garden

I tried something new at the lathe today.
The other day I stuffed a load of very small offcuts of wood into a yoghurt pot, glued a similar pot on top (upside down) and cut a hole in the top and poured in resin.
Today was the day I tried turning it.
It is now like a small glass with bits of wood in the side. 
Once it is finished properly it will be blipped.

I relaid all the slates round the pond (after having to move them all to get the planks placed over the pond for the ladder to stand on yesterday. I also removed some algae and lily pads. The miniature lily has turned out not to be miniature at all and has gone mad this year. Once it has stopped flowering I will have to remove some of it.

There was a trip to the dump this afternoon to get rid of shredded trimmings and rotten wood.
That was an interesting trip.
I assume that these days to get a driving lesson you just have to apply - or at least prove that you are incompetent, blind and arrogant behind the wheel with a complete inability to use lanes, indicators, mirrors or eyes.

It was going to have to be an emergency flower blip since I hadn't taken anything - so I went out, cut a single flower head (too breezy to try and get it in situ and brought it in.
What was going to be a single shot turned into loads (which will end up as an AV show).
Some of them are over here.

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