A Very Clean Spider

There was drama this morning when a very loud scream came from the en-suite where mrsfb was having her shower. 'There's an enormous spider in the shower' she cried.

I fished him out of the water but he look pretty lifeless. Nevertheless I dried him with some tissues and put him on the window ledge hoping he would come back from the dead. He did! Now seemingly fully recovered (and very clean) I have released him into the garden. That's my good deed done for the day.

In other wild creature news our hedgehog is back in his house. He's been getting through the food at a rate of knots but we haven't actually seen him for quite a while. It's good to see him back again.

In other ordinary news the bunk bed has been fixed though we still have some issues with the general quality which I will have to take up with the supplier after the grandsons' stay next week. I also spent about an hour yesterday modifying the car seat for Rory as he now uses a normal seat belt. You almost needed a degree in mechanical engineering to understand the dismantling and reassembly instructions.

One year ago:
A Walk In The Park

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