
BB had rugby training and TT continues to be Covid monitor at church.  I had arranged to meet a friend (another rugby mum) to go for a walk while the boys were training.  It was damp, so not ideal.  But not cold, in fact incredibly humid.
BB didn’t want to walk down with me, so went off to meet up with a friend (with a spare pair of boots for the friend).  I got to the rugby pitches first and met up with my walking companion.  The boys weren’t there, but we spotted them walking over the pitches.
We had a nice walk in the rain, at least it wasn’t cold or windy, and headed back to the rugby training.  We thought the boys were finished, but in fact they had about a two minute water break, before training continues. It looked brutal and I imagine BB will ache tomorrow.
We got home to find TT ready to make brunch.
After lunch, TT and I headed over to North Berwick and walked along the beaches.  It started off dry, but the rain came on.  Again it wasn’t cold or windy so was bearable.  I was cloud watching!  We came home via the supermarket where TT picked up the ingredients for his curry feast.  It was delicious, though BB said he did’t like the garlic and coriander rice.  Not sure why he didn’t like it.  He ate it all and retreated to watch a movie.
Later TT and I settled down to watch something.  We couldn’t remember what we had been watching last, but eventually remembered we had started Unforgotten series 4, but had only watched one episode.  We remembered enough to continue watching.  I had a gin, he had a whisky and we had chocolate!
Views from our afternoon walk.  The Bass Rock is in the extras.

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