
By Nigel


Tried to get one of those moody rain soaked Old Town close photos, but armed only with an iPhone an not enough patience to wait for the obligatory person with an umbrella I gave up quite quickly. It was not a pleasant day.

Having been to bed extremely early last night in a desperate attempt to catch up on the sleep I've been missing I was up at an ungodly hour this morning. It dd however give me time to edit some photos, have a bath (more aching muscle soak), have a bacon sarnie and boot into a CD based linux distro to remove the old Windows 7 folders from one of my drives.

I also discovered 'Karl Bartos's' Atomium. Ireally enjoyed listening to it on the way to work with the light snow dancing it's way to the ground. The title track of the album is a stunner, marrying the kraftwerk sound with some very modern synths.

Had to do some extra hours at home after work as my Creative Suite subscription that is paid for by my employer has expired due to us splitting up from our sister company and now having our own finance team. Working at home is a bit of an issue as we are not supposed to let anyone outside of our company see what we do due to it being healthcare based and thus often of a very sensitive nature. Our computers are next to each other on a wide desk so Jen had to be banished to the kitchen for an hour whilst I beavered away (she could have stayed, but I would have had to kill her afterwards).

Forza Horizon is becoming quite addictive, I seem to have played a lot and am not even into double figures on the percentage complete front. And unlike the other Forza games I do not seem to be hitting the 'every race is now at least 20 minutes long' barrier I normally get to and then jack it in.

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