Life in Sunny Dubai

By GadgetKid

Last weekend of August

Just a simple picture of the view from the window as I haven't been out today, despite big plans to do so!

G had a 4get-me-not crochet session Teams at noon, so got herself ready for that, except when the time came, it didn't work and she kept calling for help. I was trying to get my head into some research and eventually had to give up. And then, her whole session got postponed. Argh!!! I would love to tell the sponsor how much stress they cause people by choosing a platform that isn't as smooth as Zoom.

Anyway, the best thing about the day was a Zoom call with old friends/ex-colleagues (Maureen, Carolyn, Priscilla) of where G worked before she came out to Dubai in the 90s. We haven't seen one of them for probably twenty years or more as she moved to Anglesey. We had a great catch up and are now all in a WhatsApp group to keep in touch better.

We skipped T@3 again and ended up ordering an Indian takeaway from Moti Mahal! G found a book on the history of Indian food and her mum's Indian Cookbook while she tidied up her last bookshelf so that was it! How could we have eaten anything else?

It's the last weekend of August. I can't believe the summer is over. It seems so soon now that we've got to the end of it.

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