What Lies Beneath

My plans for this day were originally to go to the Grange Fair with a dear friend. But some things came up for her, and some other things (gulp!) came DOWN for me. So earlier this week, we ended up cancelling our plans for the fair, much to our mutual disappointment.

My husband and I had the tree guys come out on Tuesday to remove the tree that fell on our house. We needed the insurance adjuster to come out and take a look once the tree was gone, but we didn't have any luck scheduling that for this day.

So at a certain point, we decided to just go swimming! We went to Bald Eagle State Park and there was hardly anyone there. The beach was deserted and the water was still and flat as glass. It was one of the loveliest swims of summer there.

When we were done swimming, we drove around the park for a few minutes, and I stopped and hopped out at this spot to take some pictures. In this photo, you may see a road (F. J. Sayers Road) that is now partially submerged within the reservoir, and a boat passing over it.

From the park's website: "To reduce flood damage downstream, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers built the 100-foot-high and 1.3-mile long Foster Joseph Sayers Dam in 1969. Bald Eagle State Park opened to the public July 4, 1971."

So I thought, as I stood there, about the things that lie beneath. What other things are we missing, that once were here? That are now hidden beneath water, or rock, or mud? Who knows what mysteries lie beneath?

Here is a song to go with this: Emmylou Harris, with Beneath Still Waters.

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