Mexican Sunflower

Earlier this year, I bought a huge packet of Mexican sunflower (Tithonia) seeds, so that I could plant more flowers for butterflies, in honor of my big sister Barb, the original Butterfly Girl. The orange blooms are adored by the butterflies and other pollinators such as bees.

I also sent little baggies of seeds to some relatives and friends, and asked them to plant them as well. I don't know if anybody else but my dad has had good luck with them. I hope so. My dad was quite tickled that the big yellow butterflies had already found his blooms!

This is my first bloom from the Mexican sunflowers, which have grown quite tall. In fact, taller than it said on the label. And somehow I thought they were to be red, but these are most definitely orange! Hmm! If you want a real treat, touch the stems; they just might be the softest things I have ever felt!

I have some of these growing in pots on the deck, and the tree that fell mysteriously missed them. This particular bloom in the photo is growing on Dexter's grave, which is right next to one of the hummingbird feeders. I'll bet the hummingbirds will enjoy this pretty bloom too!

My soundtrack song for this image is Los Del Rio, with Macarena.

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