Sunday's photograph (no painting today)

A beautiful day today.
Sun's out.
Clear blue skies.

My photo in Snapseed for today.
It was one of the solar 'eyes' I got to try and scare badger.
I put it through curves to change the colour.
And that was it, because outdoors in my garden looks beautiful today, and so I want to be out there.
I won't be wearing my cochlear sound processor because the grandkids and extended family on one side will will be a riotous noise and barbecues. And the other side AH neighbour is still working every day, several months later, on the bungalow, drilling, machinery sawing, metal spade grating on concrete (mixing cement? Most days?), hammering, pneumatic drilling concrete, the list goes on. He is either making a palace, or a dungeon...
This means I have silence from my neighbours, but alas not from my tinnitus 
But we cannot have it all...
So, instead of joining the gridlocked traffic of people from England coming over the border into Wales to find a beauty spot for a picnic, I have everything in my back garden. I have trees all around me (in my overgrown garden), and I cannot see other houses or bungalows. I have a picnic planned, and easy access to toilet facilities (very important), my thatched swing, and some iced Starbucks coffee.
What more can a girl want?

Have the best day you can!

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