small tortoiseshell

This afternoon, I visited a place where Buddleia bushes had run riot..and they were alive with butterflies. It was difficult to photograph them as they were very active but I managed to get this Small Tortoiseshell in focus. These pretty butterflies are in decline, even though their host plant, the stinging nettle, isn't threatened. Wildlife experts believe that the species could be yet another victim of climate change - it seems to do best in colder, wetter summers.

I can't really remember when it rained here last (though it might not be long ago as I've been away) - certainly since my return we have had day after day of dry weather and today is warm and sunny. Not the best of times to spend in a car showroom waiting for my vehicle to get a software update but apparently it needed doing. Cars are just so complicated nowadays!

Somebody is coming here tomorrow - watch this space...

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