Not What I Planned

My intention was to go mushroom hunting this morning - but the weather wasn't really up to it.
I also planned on installing the fire alarms that the Scottish Government insist is needed because of all the house fires. There are a lot fewer house fires than there used to be and they are still generally caused by people under the influence of drink or recreational narcotics who do not actually own the buildings so do not have to pay for the new alarms. (I already have the required number but because they are not 'linked' I have to fork out to replace them. Grrrrrrr). 
However, SWMBO has not been well so I was not about to fit and test the new system - I will just have to rely on the system already in place until she is well again.

The clearing up and reorganising of the garage I had planned also didn't happen ... I got distracted and made stuff instead.
One of the things was a small pot/vase type thing made from a piece of split and bug  chewed Laburnum. The bugs were no longer in residence but their chewed channels add a bit of quirkyness to it (the splits were repaiered with sawdust and glue).

My blip was going to be said bug chewed object - but I got distracted again by the small Clematis flowers when I went to retrieve a camera from the car.

So, I haven't actually done anything I planned to do today.
Maybe I will do them tomorrow.

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