
By strawhouse

First Day

It doesn’t seem like two years since Mrs C took this picture of me and Miss E on her first day of secondary school. Today was Miss L’s turn. I can’t quite believe it!!
I’ve been in a bit of a daze and it sort of crept up on me but luckily we’d got everything mostly sorted so it was just a case of getting up - finding a pair of black socks - and getting there on time. Judging by some of the crazy on the WhatsApp groups you’d think some of the mums thought they were going to school themselves…….
Having woken up before 5am most days for weeks it was typical that this morning my alarm - set “just in case” - woke me from the deepest sleep imaginable at 7am. Uuuuugh!!
I’d been awake for a couple of hours around 4am. Should have just got up!!
Miss L was brilliant, getting ready as off going to a new, huge unknown school was no biggie.
Her elder sister buggared off at 7.30am to walk to her friend’a house before school.
They both looked very smart!!
Miss L looked less smart when she got home (see extras) but - more importantly - very happy, excited and full of her day. Brilliant!!!
I can’t believe I have two daughters at secondary school!!
It did make me sad not sending Dom the pictures. He’d have loved seeing her looking so grown up. I thought about doing it anyway but that way madness lies…..
Mrs C and I went to Harris + Hoole after drop off for coffee and pastries. It was lovely, although I feel like a total space cadet!!
While I was out two enormous sofas arrived along with the biggest footstool I’ve ever seen. Despite the recent sofa disasters I’ve decided it’s time to dip my toe back in the sofa water.
If that’s a thing!!!!

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