Home Again!

As delightful as it was to be visiting my friend in Massachusetts, it was equally as lovely to be home. I stayed up as late as I could - midnight, and managed to sleep through till about 7:00 am. I'm hoping that I've dispelled any jet lag. It's always easier for me flying west than east.

I puttered around this morning, getting caught up and watering the plants and checking the garden. The dahlias are in their glory now...they do love this just slightly autumnal weather. 

Spent a bit of time in the garden and am about to go pick up the grocery order and then have a massage. Nicely planned, eh? We'll work out those airplane kinks!

The collage and image in the extra is from our visit to Chieftan Masconomet's gravesite yesterday morning (in Hamilton, MA). You might remember that I talked about him in my blip two days ago. This is an incredibly sacred place - you can feel it the moment you walk into the clearing. I'll share the same link about the site - if you're so inclined to read about why there are three gravestones. Quite a humbling experience. 

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