Rocky Mountain Moments

By pipersmom

Seed Beads

This is one of my latest projects.  I have to have something to do while watching TV in the evenings and this is easier on my hands than crocheting.  I used to be an avid beader but I did it so much and for so long that I got tired of it and stopped.  I've still got beads of every size and shape so it was easy to get started again.  My favorite projects are with tiny seed beads, especially Delica beads which are even smaller than these.  I am making a "chain" for one of my favorite pendants as shown in the extra.  Many thanks to JDO for hosting Tiny Tuesdays this month!

It's strange to be picking out warm clothes to pack for camping when it's 90F here.  Highs at the lake will be in the 60s and lows in the high 30s.  We packed everything in the camper already because we won't be needing any warm clothes down here!  It's supposed to be near 100F on Thursday and Friday so we're trying to to what we can before then.

Our county (Boulder) in Colorado has a mask mandate again.  The steam room and sauna at the rec center are closed but I am grateful that the pool is still open.  Masks are required until you get into the pool and then they encourage social distancing.  Hopefully it won't have to close again.

As always, I really appreciate all your visits and stars and hearts.  Thank you to everyone! xx

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