Windmill 'De Hoop', Abbenbroek

'Broek' = 'Brook'... but really 'broook' and not the short English 'bruk'.  It does mean the same as 'brook', or 'stream'.  When I was a child, I thought it was 'bro-eck', which actually doesn't sound that bad.  Glad that got corrected!

Finally figured out more features of the camera, but forgot to shift back to 'normal mode', so I ended up unintentionally using a filter for this shot.  Maybe not such a bad idea.  The windmill was facing the sun, for a change.  There's an extra of the front.  Had to go down a dike to shoot it, and the bottom of the dike wasn't exactly a dump, but could have been cleared up a bit more.

Had a Zoom meeting with Randstad, which lasted about half an hour.  Of course it included such questions as 'How would you describe yourself as a teacher' and 'How do you organize your lessons'.  After 25 years I was prepared for those.  I also showed her the English grammar book I had edited for a well-known publisher, for which I still receive royalties (apparently it's selling really well).  We also talked about what drove me to stop last year, but also the more than 20 years of working heavily overtime, which in the beginning I did not mind but which became more and more problematic as I got older.  She said she did not want to pressure me by pushing me for half a week in one go.  There is an opening in our town, close to the city centre, that looks doable.  Now waiting for an appointment.

Back home after the hunt, a busy late afternoon and evening.  AW left for what will now also be Tuesday evening live bridge, with his long-time Tuesday evening partner Roland (who is not a fan of online bridge, so they hadn't seen each other for more than a year).  While he was out, emptied yet another kitchen cabinet, updated laundry and ironing, did some cleaning.  No time for the last lecture week of the Zoroasters but caught up nicely with gaming and the Burgundians.  I expect to finish the book, and the Zoroastrian lectures as well, by the weekend, so now it looks like some things are coming to an end, and a couple of new things are coming up -- the new kitchen (end of September), and maybe the new part-time job.  I don't care if it's through an employment agency.  My adrenalin levels should soon rise to meet the challenges, if this pushes through.  In the meantime, still enjoying this fabulous weather we've been having.

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