Windmill 'De Arend', Zuidland

'Arend' = 'Ah-runt' = 'eagle'.  Why not?!?  :D))
'Zuidland' = between 'Zide-lant' and 'Zowt-lant' = 'south land'.

It's standing at the junction of three dikes -- the Molendijk (Mill Dike), Drogendijk (Dry Dike), and Krommedijk (Crooked Dike).  Mercifully, it was facing the sun.  I really don't get that bonus every time.

Before coming here, I passed by Abbenbroek again and took a couple of 'normal lens' shots, just to see if they would look more normal without the filter I had used yesterday.  Result -- they look almost the same, which means the light yesterday was really good, and the filter did not add anything 'false'.  Don't know why, but I guess that's the way I want it.

Before setting out, though, communication with Randstad -- we've set up an appointment for Tuesday next week.  Another school, this time in Tilburg, has an opening, too, and the relevant inquiries were made and I was 'introduced', but after reading my resumè, the school decided that I was 'overqualified' in terms of teaching level and they couldn't match my pay scale.  It was an option to agree to a lower scale, but Randstad and I agreed that my situation isn't that desperate.  Experience has taught me to recognize such things as indications that I am allowed to say 'no'.  Who knows now what other openings will pop up between today and next week!

Wednesday evening online bridge for AW, the kitchen, some gaming, half a dozen Zoroastrian lectures, and the Burgundians for me, and, almost forgot, an hour-long chat with Mimi.  Somehow, though, anything to do with that other part of the world tends to bring me down.  Mimi understands me completely on that point.

THANK YOU for all the comments and stars you've been leaving for my previous mills!  Much, much appreciated.

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