Local Windmill, Maasbommel

It's never had a name!  Built in 1740 or earlier.  I'll call it the Infanta.  Somehow, it makes me think of the famous painter Velasquez.

Went to work, worked, went windmill-hunting, worked, went back home.  Indeed, what do you do when you have a 3-hour break and you're prepared anyway, and the weather is fab?  Snatching whatever sunshine is being offered because now that it rains more often and I have two jobs, it's becoming trickier to find time to hit the road for my mills.

The day began hideously early because of the hearing in MNL.  I was so afraid I'd miss it, so I was up way ahead of time.  The hearing began at 07.30 (at least this is better than 02.30) and I hoped it would end in time because my first class was at 10.00.  We were the only ones scheduled for the morning.  I can tell that this judge is a serious creature who wants this to end as quickly as we do.  Jay has yet another solicitor, as those from the other law firm threw in the towel (they were already replacements for a previous set).  The new one is from the law school of one of the top universities, so the fees are lower.

To make it short, everyone had a good laugh... except Jay.  His solicitor took the trouble to be kind to him by explaining all the technical terms in English and translating them into Tagalog.  Not that his English is bad.  Au contraire!  But technical stuff is a little complicated, actually even for me.  So her simplifying it made it easy for me, too.  I'll call her Mona.  Well, Mona and the Viking were very professional in their conversations, but could not help exchanging friendly banter and even giggles and laughs.  For the first time, I was quite amused at the proceedings, but my amusement had other reasons.  We've entered the counting house and the four and twenty blackbirds coming out of the rather humongous pie need to be split up.  It's not as easy as it sounds, but the Viking has done his work well.  If all goes according to our wishes, he will have a neat and tidy little treasure island for himself.  Solomon says we need to cut up the pie in the exact middle.  Problem with Jay -- he has already eaten a considerable portion of his half.  But, okay, we are not there yet.  We still need to agree on the exact amounts and values of some things.  Jay had better not make any fancy moves.  I will order the axe to fall if he does.  Next hearing is on 23 Sept.  Things have speeded up.

My day at work went really well.  In any case, I am glad I can put some bread on the table again.

In case anyone is wondering, it did rain... in the evening, which was very convenient.  The temperature is dropping quickly now. 

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