The accidental finding

By woodpeckers

Big Fish

Are they hoping to catch one? The King Prawn, perhaps?

Busy busy day
Trip to tip at ten
Trip to Aldi after
Change from garden clothes
To working-with-kids kit.

Clean big waste bin (fruit flies breeding)
Tidy cupboard (items falling out)
Play with children, repeatedly
"Let's throw cards at each other
Until one of us cries, and then
The other one is the winner".

"Let's use the cards, boys
To make pictures. Now,
Who's got the stripey feet?"
"Mum? twin number one
Has loose number twos"

Walk up the hill to home
Pack the car again
Unpack the car
Set up market stall, tastefully
Walk up the hill to home.

Chop carrots, grate cheese
Chop courgettes, find soft drink
Break eggs, add thyme
Make omelette a deux
Eat omelette, and... relax!

Who said women's work is never done?

I haven't'.even mentioned the phone calls, the emails, the What's Apps, the Golden Age of Crime book club forum. The relentless rain, heavy in places. Oh, and I broke the first rule of cupboard tidying. I didn't even clean the shelves. Really, I didn't. I also broke a bottle of Calpol, which is how the whole thing started.

My grandmother was a governess once. She was Miss Drummond, and she lived in Drummond Place, Edinburgh. I wish I could channel her now, so we could compare experiences.

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