
By dunkyc


I awoke on the horns of a dilemma. The precipice of a quandary. The cusp of conception.

The AM

At the time of writing this, an invitation has been extended to me by Russ to join the divorced dads group for a few drinks down in Lancaster for the afternoon. Whilst it would be great to catch up with them all and it would definitely be a good laugh in the company of these finest of fellows, I would also be likely to get completely plastered, make a complete t*t of myself (I’ve met my drunk dancing quota for this quarter and a lot of my colleagues live in Lancaster) and lose a perfectly good Sunday to a self-pitying hangover.

It is also the 20th anniversary of 9/11 and though my memory is awful, like most I can remember exactly where I was on that day and being acutely aware that I didn’t know what or where the World Trade Center was, but that something truly awful had just happened to it and the people who worked there. The story only worsened from there, of course. I have no frame of reference for those directly impacted by the attack that day. Fortunately, those that do will be in the minority, but the loss of life - both on the day and in the resultant so-called “war on terror” thereafter - is just staggering. “Humane” is derived from “human” and whilst we are able to define what it is to be humane, until we stop killing each and using violence as a means of conflict resolution, the ability to embody it will always be out of reach.

The PM

Hmmmm, it is probably best that I didn’t go out for that drink in the end. I’ve clearly been in a reflective mood and would have been a total buzzkill!

Instead, I left the chaps to their jaunt and enjoyed my day by catching up on some blips, before popping over the road to where Sandra and Mary were holding an outdoor coffee morning for Macmillan Cancer, so I grabbed a fruity/muesli/flapjacky bake thing (which Mary somehow remembered I’d had LAST YEAR?!) for a post 9.5k run sugar hit and some of Sandra’s sticky toffee pudding to have with my tea. Also got some personal admin sorted, three loads of washing done and a couple of walks soundtracked by some relaxing classical music. The dark skies pictured here, never broke and so it has been a rather chilled and peaceful kind of a day.

If only this sense of peace could spread as quickly as Covid.

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