ON A SLOW BOAT TO........................

...........................Barrow - well not quite but you get the drift.

Yesterday I came out in several  bites, extremely itchy and I think from when I walked in some short grass up at Lowther Castle. I had put loads of jungle formula on my legs but I obviously missed a few places *sigh*.  I got very little sleep last night because of it so am rather tired today.  Still I'm sure I'll make up for it at some point.  I just hope they don't turn into those awful huge bubbles that I had on my legs a couple of years ago!!!  I don't know why the insects find me so tasty but they do and I do get a bit fed up with being bitten if I'm not super careful.  

Despire being tired today it was still a fairly busy day.  Went over to Mum's to do a few chores for her and make sure she is OK.  She is doing very well. We had a chat with her lovely neighbour, I did some shopping and we just did a few general things around the house.

On the way home we  stopped off on The Prom as usual.  I tried to get a slightly different shot this time, rather the view to The Lakes.  

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