Finally.... Sunrise in Portland at the Lighthouse

I made it this morning...draged myself out of bed and got to the lighthouse for the sunrise.....went to take my first shot and ....nothing! YIKES!
I was hoping that my camera wasn't broken after the beating it got the other day when I went to the blow holes and the Petrified forest....(I do have sand in my lens from that day). Anyway the upshot is that I had forgotten to put my battery in the camera I had to run back and rectify the problem.

I am really not thinking straight...still riding this cold/flu thingy......I really am amazed at how much snot one can produce in the space of 24 hrs.

Today I walked into the belly of a young sperm whale.....I went to the Maritime Museum and in there they had a whole skeleton of a Whale....even after what I believe is years it still had a really strong smell.....too much for me ......and I have to say that besides being awed by the sheer size I didn't really like it much....It somehow didn't feel right.

I went searching for seals....but no luck except for some really crazy cormorants and was lovely down by the water.

So here is the beautiful little Portland Lighthouse...those birds were really nosy as to what the weird person was doing up there in the dark.

Tomorrow is the last day here...the work nearly finished...I am looking forward to getting home and having a bit of a rest to get over this dreaded lurgy.

ps...thank you so much for your comments...I will get around to your journals really soon...Ive missed them

Stitched Panorama

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