A Day In The Life

By Irish59

Quiet Sunday

A leisurely morning over breakfast, quiet music and lively conversation covering many topics to include my retelling of the moving story I had just read (originally published last month in The Atlantic) about the impact of 9/11 on one NJ family and how each of them coped and grieved the loss of a son/brother over 20 years. It has remained with me all day • For the second time in a week I mowed the lawn, and weed whacked. I also saw my first woolly bear of the season but when I returned to capture my blip, he was gone! It is a mystery because they don’t move very fast. I’ve tried several times since to locate him, but without success. I’m worried I may have stepped on him inadvertently :( • For my second choice, I liked these silhouette bird and leave shapes against the sky. I’m hoping you do too! Enjoy the rest of your weekend.

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