A Day In The Life

By Irish59


TWO is a low score when playing dominoes, but no worries, because the game between these TWO players has only just begun! Thanks to Majoayee for hosting today’s MM theme of TWO • Although I don’t play as often anymore, this game is near and dear to my heart because I learned how to play on Saturday nights at my Grandparents house. My Mom and I always visited her parents who lived about 20 minutes away from us. I have fond memories of the four of us gathered around the kitchen table playing Dominoes or Old Maid. Each of us would sip a cup of hot Salada Tea, my favorite because each teabag was printed with a unique quip or saying, and nibble homemade cookies my Grandmother baked that same day. It’s true that my Grandmother, also named Louise, and my Mom and I cheated whenever we played Old Maid, but it was all for fun. We would move the Old Maid quickly between the three of us so that my Grandfather would end up getting it! He would swear and carry on, while the three of us laughed over our calculated tomfoolery. Before we left for home my Grandfather always sang a song from his beloved homeland, County Kerry, Ireland • Sweet Memories on this Mono Monday :)

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