Mono Pud tat

I had a meeting, then homeroom, then a remote class. Then off to Little Miss' school to pick up a music stand for her trumpet practice.

Off to get some meat for Abe's meals (he's raw fed) and then home to do some work on my assignment. I have to write at least 1000 words about my 'brand'. Joy.

I took Abe for a long walk with SR. He was a bit 'pully', but not too bad. 

A few quick shots in the garden and I spotted Nikau atop Abe's crate, looking very relaxed. Edit: I didn't realise there was a theme for this week's Mono Monday - Two. So, two eyes, two ears, two cute little bean feet. Take your pick! :D

Little Miss has taken Abe out for a run now and MrB just got home from work.

I'm about to start making dinner. Where did the day go?


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