
By maureen6002

Two cosmos flowers

I’m afraid I’m being rather unimaginative today. My Mono Monday ‘two’ shot is just a pair of cosmos flowers standing out from the wilderness of my cutting patch - G calls it the jungle, but I’m sticking with the Sarah Raven concept of an area set aside for blooms for cutting! 

But for this quick dash into the garden, I haven’t left the house today. The weather isn’t great, and we have friends arriving for a short stay, so my day is spent cleaning and cooking - though I must stress that after tonight we will resort to takeaways! 

Thank you for the kind response to both yesterday’s ‘Bad hair day’ and to my my Blipper Profile - it really is appreciated. I’m trying to catch up with journals and respond to comments, but as usual I’m behind!

Thanks to Majoayee for hosting! 

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