Looking down, into the crown

Dullish day today, with the odd burst of sunshine. Spent most of the day in the garden, though I must have been distracted for quite a lot of that time, partly by going over to see my neighbour John and partly by talking to passers-by, usually out with their dogs. This is one of the pleasures of working down by the roadside. One lady, who I met earlier in the year, stopped to talk for more than half an hour, her dog sitting patiently by her side. She even took photos of some of my ferns with her phone, which gave me the idea of Blipping my tree fern - again!

Dicksonia antarctica is native to SE Australia and Tasmania and is the one usually seen outside in Britain. I keep looking for other tree ferns in Oban, but so far I've not seen one. This picture was taken from the deck, looking down on the crown of the fern, which is probably about 6ft across. It sits on a trunk about 4ft tall.

My extra today is Begonia grandis subsp. evansiana, which is quite hardy here and in most normal UK winter temperatures - it's considered hardy to Zone 7. Lovely pink flowers in summer, tho' these plants were swamped earlier on by some energetic neighbours and haven't flowered yet. Well worth trying apart from the very coldest gardens.

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