
By Marionb

My Apologies To My Garden....

...I am leaving again! 

I am so sorry. I thought I would be home for a while this time and would be able to remove some of those nasty weeds that have come back with a vengeance to haunt you. I know you need a lot of deadheading too and I had promised to move some of your plants to better locations and to bring in some new ones to fill in the empty spots.  Alas, I ended up being home for only a week and I just could not get around to all those jobs. 

I did, however, cut down that entire bed of once luxuriant ferns along the fence as they have started to turn brown. For that, I am sure you are grateful. They really were making the whole garden look uncared, the good news is that they are nicely bagged up for recycle day this week. 

I realize the blooming season is almost over and that if it were not for the phlox, you would be looking pretty drab. I promise to bring in some pots of autumn-coloured mums and some lovely pumpkins when I return from the cottage...that should perk you up. Once again, I apologize. 

PS: By the way, those nasturtiums I thought were on their last legs? All of a sudden, they have burst into bloom! Beautiful vibrant orange flowers.! What's with that? Where were they all summer? Perhaps it was the sound of my clippers as I slaughtered the ferns in the bed next to them?  Like, smarten up or perish? Whatever....they are last. 

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