
Kept myself awake much of last night coughing so I’ve come to bed today armed with sugar free sucking sweets so I can soothe my throat if it happens again!

Quite tired this morning but up sharp to take Phin out before his breakfast and the shirt drive to doggy daycare. He was so excited again until the point when I turned to leave and he tried to prise open the gate and follow me. Luckily the owner had her hand in his collar. It’s almost as bad as dropping a crying toddler at nursery!

Hone for a quick shower before Miss PHL and I headed to Livingston, I needed some cleanser and other bits and bobs and she wanted a look at jackets. We also nipped into the pet superstore as a few toys have been shredded Ed enjoy and needed replaced. Walking back to the car I got the weird visual disturbance which is a migraine without headache. I’ve had a few in the past but this was the first for ages. Made fir an interesting experience. Luckily it passed in about 20 minutes and we nipped to the food court for some chips (naughty but nice) and a drink. Full fat coke for me hit the spot. Quick visit to the supermarket and Miss PHL drive us home.

Shopping unpacked and some stowed in the motorhome before an hour of ironing. Collected Phin and he was so excited to see me so that felt good.

Put more stuff in the van whilst dinner cooked and Phin napped and before I knew it, it’s almost 10 and I’m in bed!

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